Apple look at this
for your next powerbook g5!

written by fabrizio venerandi

Sometimes ago I wrote a little tutorial about have a not-so-hot powerbook. You can find it here, I hope.
Now I have found another noteboook that have a cool solution about diperse heat coming from CPU, and I have to admit it is a simple and elegant solution.
I'm not proud to show a notebook not-apple, with a better solution than apple, but sometimes other computers are made by people and people have a lot of ideas. Some ideas of some not-apple-people could be better that apple-people ideas.
Anyway, I put a little piece of paper over the non-apple logo, so you can not know where the other notebook is coming from. I'll call it 'unknow computer'.

Here the two computers:

As you can see the left computer is the apple powerbook 12'', the right computer is the unknow computer. You can see they are quite similar and small!

In the photo above I try a copulation, I was hoping in a ipod borning, but nothing happened. Or I was trying to show you the unknow computer is smaller that the powerbook 12''. In the next photo you can see the the two computer opened.

Note -in the unknow computer- the functional space around the screen for yellow post-it, very useful.
The OS of the unknow computer is similar to the mac osx, but I have to admit it is quite faster...

Ok, here we are. This is the back of the two computer. So, where is the great idea about heat dispersion? Look closer...

More closer, please.

So, sometimes simplicity and functionality comes together...

Tah-dha! The case is moveable! A little place of plastic comes down to create a functional heat dispersion!

I have to tell that typing with this inclination is better that the unfuncional flat keyboard of the powerbook 12''...
So Apple, look at this! I don't know if there is a copyright on this great idea, but listen to me steve, buy this computer business and use the idea for the next g5 powerbook!  I think the g5 need a good cooling system like this.

ps. if you use this idea I'd like to have a gift, like a powerbook g4 non creaking opening and closing the screen, thank you steve.


fabrizio venerandi
thanks to niccolò venerandi for play alone
thanks to simone venerandi for stop crying while I'm typing at the computer

photo from a z1010 sonyericcson
made with a macintosh, obviously.